7 LASIK Facts You Should Know

iStock 1279371084 Millions of people have had LASIK and are thrilled that they can now see without the hassle of putting in contacts or wearing glasses. Have you been wondering if LASIK is right for you? Here are 7 things you should know about this amazing procedure. 

  1. It uses state-of-the-art technology. It used to be that corrective eye procedures would use blades, but nowadays lasers are used, which are much less invasive (and much less nerve wracking).
  2. It is safe. Any medical procedure carries some risk, but LASIK is generally thought of as one of the safest procedures you can have.
  3. LASIK is not for everyone. It isn’t suitable for patients with thin corneas, very poor vision, an ocular disease such as glaucoma or cataracts, recurring inflammation, constantly itchy eyes, or a health issue that may affect your eyes. However, even if LASIK isn’t the right procedure for you, your doctor may be able to recommend another vision correction procedure that is.
  4. It is fast. You’ll be surprised at how fast it is – although every patient is different, LASIK typically only takes about 30 minutes total (for both eyes). You’ll be awake throughout the procedure, but you can have a mild sedative if you are nervous.
  5. You could still need reading glasses. LASIK may not totally eliminate the need for glasses or reading glasses. And, although you may not need reading glasses now, you still might need them in the future.
  6. LASIK may be able to help if you have dry eyes.
  7. You’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. You may be surprised to find out how nice life can be without having to search for your glasses or put in your contacts and take them out every day. It can make traveling, work, hobbies, or just relaxing more enjoyable.

If you are tired of dealing with glasses and contacts, it may be the right time for you to consider LASIK. Call North Suburban Eye Associates in Massachusetts for a LASIK consultation and to have all of your questions answered. Call (781) 245-5200 today!

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