What Your Eye Doctor Wants You To Know

Woman looking at refractometer eye test machine in ophthalmology If you are having a problem with your eyes, or even if it is just time for an eye exam, your eye doctor wants to see you! However, the unfortunate fact is that both you and your doctor probably don’t have much time for small talk – and there certainly isn’t enough time to discuss all of the things your eye doctor wants patients to know about taking care of their eyes. Here are just a few things that might be on the list!

Your Eye Doctor Wants You To Know…

Of course, your eye doctor wants your eyes to be in the best of health. You should know:

  • It may take more than carrots. Although carrots have gained the reputation for being the best foods for eyes (and they can play a part), if you want to eat the right foods for eye health you should eat a diet rich in vitamins C, A, and E. Supplements can help, too – ask your eye doctor if you should be taking supplements and which kind would be best.
  • There is a wrong way to use eye drops. For the best results when using eye drops, make sure you read the instructions (did you know that some eye drops are safe to use while wearing contacts and others aren’t?). You should also make sure you get eye drops that will treat the problem you are having – for instance, there are different formulations for dry eyes, allergies, and red eyes. Talk to your doctor about their recommendation for the best kind to use.
  • Don’t forget your sunglasses. Sunglasses protect your eyes not only from the harsh rays of the sun (which can, over time, lead to serious eye problems), but they can also protect your eyes from dirt and debris.

It is impossible to cover everything your eye doctor wants you to know about having healthy eyes and good vision; that’s why it is so important to visit your eye doctor for regular exams or if you are having any problems! Contact North Suburban Eye Associates, with offices in Waltham, Winchester, and Wakefield, Massachusetts. Call (781) 245-5200 for an appointment today!

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Wakefield Office

Fax: 781-246-3932
Insurance Referrals
Fax: 781-587-2015

Winchester Office

Fax: 781-721-2250
Insurance Referrals
Fax: 781-587-2015

Waltham Office

Fax: 617-864-9966

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Mon - Thu: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Fri: 8:30am - 4:00pm

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Mon - Thu: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Fri: 8:30am - 4:00pm

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